How to Hire Your Dental Office Reception Team

A dental receptionist answering the phone.

It goes without saying that for a dental practice to succeed you need a phenomenal dentist and an outstanding hygienist; but that’s not all. It is crucial to put as much effort into finding the perfect dental team as the reception team.

Your receptionist and front-end staff are critical pieces in the overall success and growth of your dental practice – because they are the very first impression for your patients. The receptionist is the first people they speak to – typically on the phone – and the first people they see when entering your office. Patients are already looking for a reason not to visit a dentist – don’t let your front-end staff give them one

It’s easy to see these positions as simply answering the phone and managing appointments. If that’s how you currently see this position, hopefully by the end of this post you’ll reconsider that thinking.

But how do you hire an exceptional dental receptionist? Don’t fret, we have you covered! Keep on reading to learn how you can improve the experience of every patient in your practice.

What to look for?


Personality is key when looking for front end staff. It could even be argued that personality matters more than dental experience – but more on that later. Patients aren’t numbers, they are people! So, here is what to look for in your receptionist to help your patients feel more like the people they are.

- Extroverted – not shy

- Genuinely enjoy people

- Likes to have conversations

Red flag

- Nervous around people


Dental Experience?

General Disposition

- Overall, you’re looking for someone who exudes warmth, enthusiasm, and friendliness.

Overall, the number one thing to remember when hiring your front-end staff is that they are your practice’s very first impression with your patients. Think about what you want your patients to feel when they think about your dental office and look for those characteristics in your reception staff.

Here at DGS, our passion is helping your dental practice succeed. If you’re looking for help hiring or training front-end staff, contact us here. We would be happy to work with you!

Trent Wehrhahn

Trent Wehrhahn is the founder and President of Dental Growth Strategies. With his years of multinational sales and marketing experience with dental offices, he has focused his strengths on marketing solutions for local dental offices just like yours.

At DGS we help you assess where you are at and implement a custom marketing plan that gets results.

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